Companhia de Dança de Almada - Ca.DA (Almada Dance Company), is a non-profit cultural association, which develops its activity essentially in the areas of artistic creation, dance training and cultural programming. It consists of a body of professionals with specialized training, with extensive experience both in the organization and production of cultural events, in dance teaching, and towards the training and audience awareness.
Founded by Maria Franco, it started its activity as a professional contemporary dance company in 1990. Since then, it has produced more than a hundred pieces by national and international choreographers, presented in the country and abroad, namely in Europe (Germany, Belgium, Croatia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland), Africa (Cape Verde), America (Brazil) and Asia (China).
Since 1992, Ca.DA organizes the annual festival "Quinzena de Dança de Almada – International Dance Festival", promoting exchanges between Portuguese creators and dancers and the international community.
In 1998, Ca.DA's school was founded (Ca.DA Escola), developing continuously in the field of artistic dance training, offering both vocational and non-vocational dance courses. Since 2018/19, it offers a vocational Integrated Dance Course accredited by the Portuguese Ministry of Education.